Game Heroes Vi

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Best Video Game Heroes
End of online support on Heroes VIHello Heroes,5 years passed since the beginning of Might & Magic Heroes 6 game development in 2008.5 years of countless hours of hard work to develop, then to release the Closed Beta, to launch the game, two Adventure packs “Pirates of the Savage Sea” and “Danse Macabre”, the Standalone Expansion “Shades of Darkness”. We worked a lot to improve your game experience with 14 patches over almost two years since the original game release in October 2011.All of this would not be possible without your passion for Might & Magic and your support. Thank you for your investment, for your time spent helping us to move in the right direction and helping each other to fight strong bosses and bugs.Today we bring sad news to the world of Ashan as the team is moving on to other major Might & Magic projects requiring everyone’s full attention. Even if we are turning one more Might & Magic page, we are not saying goodbye. We hope you will keep enjoying Heroes 6 and you’ll remain engaged in the community and then later, when time comes, you will be back and ready to discover new adventures with us.Until next time,The Might & Magic team.