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UnshieldSupport Unshield development.DictionaryInstallShield (IS): seeInstallShield Cabinet File (ISCF): file used by IS.Microsoft Cabinet File (MSCF): file used by Microsoft. About UnshieldTo install a Pocket PC application remotely, an installableMicrosoft Cabinet File is copied to the /Windows/AppMgr/Installdirectory on the PDA and then the wceload.exe is executed toperform the actual install. That is a very simple procedure.Unfortunately, many applications for Pocket PC are distributed asInstallShield installers for Microsoft Windows, and not asindividual Microsoft Cabinet Files. That is very impractical forusers of other operating systems, such as Linux or FreeBSD.An installer created by the InstallShield software stores thefiles it will install inside of InstallShield Cabinet Files. Itwould thus be desirable to be able to extract the MicrosoftCabinet Files from the InstallShield Cabinet Files in order to beable to install the applications without access to MicrosoftWindows.The format of InstallShield Cabinet Files is not officiallydocumented but there are two tools available for MicrosoftWindows that extracts files from InstallShield installers, andthey are distributed with source code included. These tools arenamed 'i5comp' and 'i6comp' and can be downloaded from theInternet.One major drawback with these tools are that for the actualdecompression of the files stored in the InstallShield CabinetFiles they require the use of code written by InstallShield thatis not available as source code. Luckily, by examining this codewith the 'strings' tool, I discovered that they were using theopen source zlib library for decompression.I could have modified i5comp and i6comp to run on other operatingsystems than Microsoft Windows, but I preferred to use them as areference for this implementation.
The goals of thisimplementation are:.Use a well known open source license (MIT).Work on both little-endian and big-endian systems.Separate the implementation in a tool and a library.Support InstallShield versions 5 and later.Be able to list contents of InstallShield Cabinet Files.Be able to extract files from InstallShield Cabinet FilesLicenseUnshield uses the MIT license. The short version is 'do as youlike, but don't blame me if anything goes wrong'.See the file LICENSE for details.