Magic Iso Not Found Cd-r Rw Driver
Magic Iso Mac
. UPDATE: I fixed it. Thanks everyone. I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 with no Problems, except my PC Does not recognize my CD/DVD Rom drive. It says MAGIC ISO is my DVD Drive and I have not had that application installed in a long time.When I push the button to open the cd/dvd drive it opens, every troubleshoot says there is no problem, but the disk does not spin, and the app associated with the disk just says 'Please Insert Disk'. Under Explorer, It says DVD DRIVE L, says everythingis fine, when you hit eject though, nothing.anyways I can get this fixed? HP Website says to use Windows Update to get updated windows 10 drivers, but windows update says I am up to date.Thanks for the help.
Difference In Cd R And Cd Rw
(I did try copying and pasting code, nothing helped).