Revolation X3210 Manual
DescriptionA SWEET DEAL - HOLEY BAFFLE (INCREASES MACHINE CAPACITY TO 9 LBS) INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE!NEW & IMPROVED! This is the latest version, which has been upgraded to include the following NEW features not available on previous versions:. Extended Temper Mode (ETM). Holds chocolate in perfect temper for extended periods of time (hours and hours!) without thickening!. Recipe Storage. Stores up to 29 chocolate recipes. Now you can program 29 different tempering recipes, allowing you to use a wide variety of chocolates quickly and easily!.
Manual Mode. Manual melt mode allows you to melt chocolate without tempering. Quickly melt compounds that do not need to go through the full tempering cycle, perhaps eliminating the need for a separate melter.NOT TOO BIG & NOT TOO SMALL, THE REV V IS JUST RIGHT!!
The Chocovision Revolation V (Rev V) processes up to 9 lbs of chocolate per batch. Commercial stainless steel construction and state-of-the-art design and technology, this NSF approved, table top machine is the solution for production facilities or when a novice wants to produce the same breathtaking results as a professional chocolatier. The Revolation V has the ability to produce about 50 lbs of tempered chocolate per day with very little maintenance.The Rev V offers state-of-the-art design and microprocessor technology with precision temperature control (within 2/10th of a degree) to ensure the best chocolate quality and appearance. It is also equipped with a removable, stainless steel bowl, baffle & scraper. NSF APPROVED!!We are an AUTHORIZED Chocovision dealer!
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Revolation X3210 Manual Pdf
You are guaranteed to receive a BRAND NEW, latest model, machine with full manufacturer's warranty and support! Features. MEDIUM capacity - automatically tempers up to 5 lbs of chocolate in under one hour.
Holey Baffle included with purchase will increase the capacity to 9 lbs!. NEW FEATURE: Extended temper mode (maintains perfect temper conditions for hours and hours!).
NEW FEATURE: Stores up to 29 recipes (quickly and easily temper different types of chocolate!). NEW FEATURE: Manual melt mode (allows you to melt, without tempering!
Revelation X3210 Manuals
. Install the removable BOWL RING onto the lip of thebowl opening in your machine. Place the BOWL in your machine and rotate ituntil it drops into place. Attach the SCRAPER to the BAFFLE (Fig. Whenproperly installed, the SCRAPER should curve towardsthe front of the machine.
Chocovision Revolation X3210 Troubleshooting
Fit the BAFFLE into the BOWL, insuring that theprobe contacts (CASE and BAFFLE) are aligned.Thread the BAFFLE KNOBS onto both BAFFLE MOUNTS.If the BAFFLE is not installed properly, the machinewill sound an audible warning, and will not start. Snap in the BAFFLE CLIP. This helps the solidchocolate from climbing out of the bowl as itrotates.O P T I O N A L H O P P E R A C C E S S O R Y. Slide the HOPPER assembly into the DUST COVERopening (Fig.
2) and load with up to 10 lbs ofchocolate. Any type of chocolate can be used, butsolid block chocolate works best. Note that chocolate is always loaded behind theBAFFLE. All HOPPER components can be disassembledfor easy cleaning.F i g. 2N O T E: B E F O R E U S I N G Y O U R M A C H I N E, W A S H A L L C O M P O N E N T S T H A T M A Y C O M E I NC O N T A C T W I T H C H O C O L A T E. U S E A S O F T S P O N G E O R C L O T H A N D M I L D S O A P.-4-A S S E M B L Y.